The Kaleidoscopic Life of an Interior Designer: A Day in the Life of Design Magic

Shan trying to imagine a finalised space. The dirty part of construction: hacking.
Shan trying to imagine a finalised space. The dirty part of construction: hacking.

Ever wondered what it's like to be the creative genius behind jaw-dropping interiors? Buckle up because we're about to take you on a whirlwind tour through the colourful and multifaceted world of interior design. From the first client meeting to the final flourish of a throw pillow, let's dive into the exhilarating tasks that make interior design a dynamic blend of art and science.

Blueprint based on official drawings
Blueprint based on official drawings

The Heart-to-Heart: Client Consultations

The design journey kicks off with a heart-to-heart with the client. This is where designers become part-detective, part-psychologist, digging deep into the client's vision, preferences, and even their wildest dreams to lay the groundwork for a design that's as unique as they are.

Blueprints are used to start giving function to the rooms and very early space planning
Blueprints are used to start giving function to the rooms and very early space planning

The Blueprint: Mastering Space Planning

Designers are spatial wizards, transforming rooms into functional sanctuaries through meticulous space planning. They think about furniture layout, traffic patterns, and room proportions to create spaces that are as practical as they are gorgeous.

Mood boards to test colours and furniture
Mood boards to test colours and furniture

The Vision Board: Creative Design Concepts

Armed with the client's wishes, designers let their creativity run wild. They whip up mood boards, play with colour palettes, and choose design styles that serve as the project's North Star, guiding all future decisions.

Early living room sketch by Shan
Early living room sketch by Shan

The Symphony: Material and Finish Selection

Creating a harmonious space is like composing a symphony—it's all about the perfect blend of materials, finishes, and colors. Designers curate these elements to craft a cohesive look that not only nails the aesthetic but also radiates the desired vibe.

Final product by Shan
Final product by Shan

The Soul: Furniture and Decor

Furniture and decor are the heartbeat of any design. Designers source or even custom-design pieces that are the epitome of form and function, turning spaces into visual masterpieces that you can actually live in.

Midtown - Explorer Academy by Shan
Midtown - Explorer Academy by Shan

The Unique Touch: Custom Elements

Sometimes, off-the-shelf just won't cut it. Designers collaborate with artisans to create custom elements that make each project a one-of-a-kind masterpiece.

Midtown - Explorer Academy by Shan
Midtown - Explorer Academy by Shan

The Spotlight: Lighting Design

Lighting is the unsung hero of interior design. Designers are adept at choosing lighting solutions that not only set the mood but also enhance both function and beauty, transforming spaces from 'meh' to 'wow.'

Off-Duty Pilates by Shan
Off-Duty Pilates by Shan

The Rulebook: Navigating Codes and Regulations

Design isn't just about beauty; it's also about brains. Designers make sure their projects are up to code, balancing aesthetic aspirations with the nitty-gritty of building regulations.

The Maestro: Project Management

Designers are the conductors of the design orchestra, coordinating with various stakeholders (such as contractors, suppliers, building management, etc), managing budgets, and keeping timelines on track to ensure the end result is nothing short of a standing ovation.

The Field General: Site Supervision

Being on-site is crucial. Designers troubleshoot challenges and make on-the-fly adjustments, ensuring the project evolves smoothly from a dreamy concept to a tangible reality.

The Final Act: Installation and Styling

The crescendo of the design process is the installation and styling phase. Every piece of furniture, every accessory is carefully placed, turning the designer's vision into a living, breathing space.

Styling by Shan
Styling by Shan

The Encore: Post-Project Reflection

The quest for design excellence never ends. Designers seek client feedback and conduct post-project evaluations to continually refine their craft for future standing ovations.

Wrapping It Up

The realm of interior design is a dazzling mix of creativity, practicality, and sheer talent. By walking through the day-to-day tasks of an interior designer, we can truly appreciate the artistry and skill required to create spaces that are as functional as they are fabulous. So, the next time you find yourself in a space that takes your breath away, give a nod to the intricate process that made it all possible.

Ready to transform your space into a masterpiece? Connect with Shan on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and LinkedIn for a good dose of design inspiration and expert insights.